Bites Off Gel Beads



Bites Off Gel Beads: Mosquito repellent bead gel bottle with citronella

Natural 100% active ingredient, Non-toxic, environmentally-friendly and is safe for everyone including your children and even babies.

Citronella is well known as mosquito repellent properties (mild repellent properties). Its repellent properties can be broadened and strengthened by combining it with other safe and natural ingredients (Eucalypts, Lavender, peppermint and lemon.


 “Something New, Something Different”   

  • Bites Off Gel Beads: Mosquito repellent bead gel bottle with citronella

Natural 100% active ingredient, Non-toxic, environmentally-friendly and is safe for everyone including your children and even babies.

Citronella is well known as mosquito repellent properties (mild repellent properties). Its repellent properties can be broadened and strengthened by combining it with other safe and natural ingredients (Eucalypts, Lavender, peppermint and lemon.

How does Bites Off Mosquito Repellent Bead Gel work?

Mosquito possesses a number of sophisticated physiological tools that make humans and animals easy prey for its appetite.

  • Mosquito trek its target by picking up the Carbon Dioxide and Octanol that human and animal give off when they exhale. Mosquito have sensors that can pick up this scent as far as 30 meters away.
  • Once the mosquitoes pick up the scent, they will immediately change direction and track down the intended victim. However, their eye-sight is poor, so they rely on their nose to get close enough to see the victim.
  • Bites Off formula content evaporates at room temperature. The natural formulation works by blocking the host-odor receptor (nose) of the mosquito, so they cannot smell the scent of human/animal.

When the mosquitoes cannot pick up the scent, they cannot get close enough to see their victim. If they can’t see the victim, they ignore them. So, no bites.

It is so easy and convenient to use

Each Bites Off Mosquito Repellant Gel Beads bottle provides you and your family with protection against mosquitoes up to 100 hours of continuous usage within indoors under normal room temperature.

  1. Open the cover. The pleasant citrus scent from the container will start to evaporate and provides you the needed protection.


Go natural. Protect your baby and family from those pesky bites now

Protect your loved ones with the 100% natural Bites Off Mosquito Repellent Gel Beads whilst indoor, and enjoy a good night’s sleep.


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